Contract, Bylaws, and Budget

GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement, 2024-2026

The collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is our contract, negotiated once every two to three years between the GTFF and the University.

Previous Contract

  • Our 2019-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement is available in HTML and PDF.
  • The COVID-19 Letter of Agreement re: 2019-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement addresses temporary modifications to the CBA related to potential workplace issues that may arise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The bylaws establish the specific rules of guidance by which the the GTFF functions. They are voted on by the general membership every year. Our most recently updated bylaws (updated June 2021) are available in two forms:


Each year a budget is drawn up by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Council. The Executive Board is authorized to spend the money listed in the line items. The budget can be modified by the membership of the GTFF at a General Membership Meeting. Our budgets from the past decade or so are available below:

Financial Reports

Each year, the treasurer works with our bookkeeper and CPAs to complete a financial review or audit of the GTFF and the Health and Welfare Trust’s accounts. Our past financial statements are available below.