There were 2 bargaining sessions during the week of May 5th: one on Wednesday May 7th where the GTFF made financial proposals and another of Friday May 9th where the University of Oregon countered with their own proposals. Reports from these sessions follow, along with a short outline of each report. There are two… Continue reading Bargaining – Week of May 5th 2014
News & Updates
New Executive Board
Last week, the GTFF held elections for new Executive Board members. The winners were announced on Friday May 9th and their terms began Monday May 12th. Congratulations to the winners (listed below). Thank you to the outgoing board members for your year(s) of service to the GTFF. 2014-2015 GTFF Executive Board Members: Joe Henry (anthropology)… Continue reading New Executive Board
May Issue of The Agitator!
Download the May 2014 issue of the GTFF’s monthly newsletter here: Or, swing by the GTFF office for a print copy of your own or to share! In this issue: May Day Rally Recap Emergency GMM & Other Event Announcements GTFF Officer Candidate Statements . . . and much more!
Bargaining Update – April 25, 2014
Before returning to our own update, the University Administration has been releasing their own bargaining updates. Their update for the most recent session is available here. Unfortunately, the Administration has left out some important details from their update. Here is an annotated version of their update (click to enlarge). An update from a member of… Continue reading Bargaining Update – April 25, 2014
Media Update – April 2014
The GTFF has been in the news a lot over the past couple of weeks. Here are a variety of articles about the GTFF! KEZI: “Graduate Teaching Fellows Rally at UO” (April 25, 2014) “Events Tackle Student Debt Issue” (April 25, 2014) KLCC: “UO Graduate Teaching Fellows Say Pay Falls Short” (April 25, 2014) The… Continue reading Media Update – April 2014
April 18 Bargaining Session Update
Attached is an update from the bargaining session that occurred on April 18. Tho articles were agreed upon by both sides: an expansion of groups protected from discrimination and an agreement to allow for and outlines how to manage drug testing procedures for GTFs (who are already subject to drug testing by the Administration under… Continue reading April 18 Bargaining Session Update
GTFF Day of Action – April 25, 2014
On Friday, April 25th the GTFF encourages you to attend a number of events around the University of Oregon campus. At noon, outside Johnson Hall, the GTFF will be holding a rally in support of the union’s current bargaining with the University Administration. Help show that we’re serious about a fair contract. From 1pm until… Continue reading GTFF Day of Action – April 25, 2014
Bargaining Update – April 11th
Attached is a report of the bargaining session on April 11th. It covers topics discussed at the session including testimony by a GTFF member on layoffs, a review of counter proposals submitted by the GTFF, an overview of the GTFF Health and Welfare Trust report completed for this session and a look at the financial… Continue reading Bargaining Update – April 11th
ASUO Elections This Week!
The ASUO, our campus-wide student government, will be holding elections for the 2014-2015 academic year in the coming weeks. This is an important election for graduate students to pay attention to and participate in. Students will be voting on a ballot measure that would increase graduate student representation on the ASUO Senate. In addition, three GTFs are running in this election… Continue reading ASUO Elections This Week!
April Issue of The Agitator!
Download the April 2014 issue of the GTFF’s monthly newsletter here: Or, swing by the GTFF office for a print copy of your own or to share! In this issue: Reflections on AFT-Oregon conference The Agitator wins an award! ASUO election endorsements . . . and much more!
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