The results: 2011_aft_or_convention_election_final_results
Author: admin
End of Term Party – Winter Edition – March 22
After those grades are in…. Come meet your fellow GTFs at the Oak Street Speakeasy!
AFT-OR PLAN Legislative Education Day Monday, March 7, 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m
Join us on Monday, March 7, 2011, at the Oregon State Capitol for the PLAN Legislative Education Day. With a crop of new lawmakers and new issues facing our members, it’s time to make our voices heard in Salem. Click here to register online. OSEA and AFT-Oregon have joined together to hold the 2011 PLAN… Continue reading AFT-OR PLAN Legislative Education Day Monday, March 7, 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m
GTFF Health Plan Open Enrollment
Would you like to add a dependent to your health care plan? Stop by the GTFF office between February 16th and March 15th to add a qualified dependent to your health care plan. New additions will be effective March 16, 2011. Questions about Open Enrollment? Call Lisa at 541-344-0832 or Email GTF + Partner… Continue reading GTFF Health Plan Open Enrollment
VOLUNTEER Opportunity! March 5
GTFF Winter Volunteer Activity On Saturday, March 5th we will be volunteering at Oak Hill School here in Eugene through the CAMAS Educational Network (thank you Ted Shriro for the lead). We will be clearing out an area for the school, which will be followed by the students planting wild flowers and the installation of… Continue reading VOLUNTEER Opportunity! March 5
AFT-OREGON 2011 Convention: Delegate Nominations @ GMM
All full members of the GTFF are entitled to be nominated as delegates for the 2011 AFT-Oregon convention to be held in Bend on April 15, 16, 17. To be nominated as a delegate: you will need to attend the General Membership Meeting (GMM) and nominate yourself, *OR* have someone attending the GMM nominate you. … Continue reading AFT-OREGON 2011 Convention: Delegate Nominations @ GMM
Winter General Membership Meeting: Jan. 14
It’s the first Friday of the term and no GMM… what’s going on, you may be asking yourself and other GTFs. Well! This year, the Winter GMM (General Membership Meeting, the quarterly union business meeting) is Friday, Jan 14. Same place, same time – Susan Campbell Senior Center, 155 N. High Street. Kegs tap at… Continue reading Winter General Membership Meeting: Jan. 14
Now Taking Sweatshirt Orders! $15
It’s Cold, you love the union. You need a GTFF hoodie! $15. Want one? Choose your size and color (BLUE or GRAY), fill out this order form: sweatshirt order form and bring it–and your $15–by the GTFF office by January 31st. (The sweatshirts are actually $30 but you go half, the union will go half). … Continue reading Now Taking Sweatshirt Orders! $15
AFT-OR Convention Delegate Election: Feb 21 – 24 GTFF OFFICE!
Time to elect our union’s delegates to the AFT-OR convention. You may wondering where your ballot is since we’ve typically done this election via USPS mail…this year we decided to go old school, holding a polling station ballot box election. In order to vote you’ll need to stop by the GTFF office and cast your… Continue reading AFT-OR Convention Delegate Election: Feb 21 – 24 GTFF OFFICE!
End of the Term Party: Dec. 15, 5-8 PM, Agate Alley Bistro
The name says it all: it’s a party at the end of the term. What is implied in the name is that you worked hard all term at your academic labor and you need a break. Take it. If it’s a GTFF party it means free beer and food. And it is. Wouldn’t be a… Continue reading End of the Term Party: Dec. 15, 5-8 PM, Agate Alley Bistro
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