AFT-OR Convention Delegate Election: Feb 21 – 24 GTFF OFFICE!

Time to elect our union’s delegates to the AFT-OR convention.  You may wondering where your ballot is since we’ve typically done this election via USPS mail…this year we decided to go old school, holding a polling station ballot box election.  In order to vote you’ll need to stop by the GTFF office and cast your vote.  You have a four day window, so no “that day is bad for me” excuses!  The polls will be open Monday, February 21, through Thursday, February 24, from 9AM to 5 PM.   The election closes at 5 PM, Thursday, February 24.

You signed a blue card to become a full member, but wondering why you should take the time to vote? Click the “read the rest of this entry” tab.

The GTFF is local 3544 of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).  AFT is comprised of 3,000 autonomous local unions around the nation and represents about 1.5 million members.  Because AFT is a federation of locals, power is diffused to the state level.  AFT-OR’s 20 locals have about 20,000 classified staff and faculty from: child-care workers, K-12, community colleges, and universities.  Based on a grass root model, these locals meet once a year to determine the state federation’s goals for the coming year, as well as electing new officers for the federation.  The resolutions that get passed will determine our union’s lobbying goals in Salem and issues of national import (e.g., war, education funding, environmental issues, etc.) will be sent to Washington D.C. for national to consider.   AFT-OR convention is one of the best opportunities the GTFF has to voice our members’ thoughts on social issues affecting labor.  It is also a great opportunity for the next generation of GTFF activists and leaders to be introduced to unionism.