2021-22’s Political Education committee (PEC) is chaired by the year’s VP of Political Education, Ricardo Friaz. While in previous years, the PEC has been focused mainly on endorsements, this year our focus is on developing, discussing, and educating our union about political issues that affect our members as well as the direction of our union.
More concretely, we have the following tentative goals: 1) to collaborate on elucidating and developing our political positions oriented around growing and supporting graduate labor and the labor movement at large and 2) to develop organizing practices and tactics that are informed by our politics.
This year, my goal is to develop a process of drafting and proposing resolutions to our union. Another project that would be fun to take on would be to look into previous union leadership and organize panels with previous presidents and leaders. Our goals are absolutely open to discussion, and each member of the committee ought to vote and have a say in what we focus on.
Join the committee or contact the VP of Political Education, Ricardo, at political.education@gtff.net.