Dear Members, It is out of great concern for the wellbeing of GTFs that our Executive Council voted this week to give notice to the University Administration of our intent to strike on Tuesday, December 2nd. Our Executive Council is made up of elected representatives from departments across campus; our members have delegated to them… Continue reading Letter from GTFF President
News & Updates
Comment on Provost Bronet’s email
The blatant mischaracterization of gifting GTFs with a $61 student fee limit, tuition waiver and 95% health insurance coverage that has been emailed to the entire campus community is inappropriate and inaccurate. The benefits list are a part of the previous GTFF collective bargaining agreement. Full tuition wavers were never up for bargaining, and are not… Continue reading Comment on Provost Bronet’s email
Informational Pickets This Week
The GTFF is holding informational pickets the week of November 17 – November 21. These pickets will be to inform the campus about a potential strike. The pickets will occur between 11:30am and 12:30pm each day of the week at different locations. These locations are below. Buildings in parenthesis are nearby locations that the pickets may… Continue reading Informational Pickets This Week
Protections for International Grad Students
The University of Oregon Administration recently posted a note on the rights of international students to participate in a possible strike. Many international students voiced their concern over this post and were worried about deportation if they were to participate in a strike. After conferring with our lawyers on the matter and being assured that international… Continue reading Protections for International Grad Students
GTFF Bargaining Information
The Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation, the union representing 1500 graduate employees at the University of Oregon, has been bargaining with the University of Oregon Administration over a new contract since November, 2013. This October, the membership voted overwhelmingly to authorize our leadership to call for a strike if the final two items on the bargaining table… Continue reading GTFF Bargaining Information
GTFF Support from ASUO
The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO), the elected student government at the University of Oregon, released a statement in support of the GTFF (original announcement here and a local copy of their letter is attached below). Our relationship with the ASUO is very important to the GTFF, as we both endeavor to improve the education… Continue reading GTFF Support from ASUO
Bargaining in the News
The GTFF’s strike authorization vote has gotten a lot of media coverage recently. Here are links to some of these articles. “Graduate teachers at UO on the verge of a strike” Northwest labor press. Nov. 4, 2014. “GTF and mother Danielle Perry speaks out about GTFF strike” Francesca Fontana. Daily Emerald. Nov. 3, 2014 “Graduate Teachers… Continue reading Bargaining in the News
Undergrads support the GTFF
The undergraduate organization the Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) recently sent a letter to President Scott Coltrane, stating their support of the GTFF strike platform. Their statement underlines the importance of addressing the needs of graduate students to better the educational experience of undergraduates and the campus community. The GTFF is very appreciative of the… Continue reading Undergrads support the GTFF
Presidential Strike Letter
October 24, 2014 This past week the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF) voted overwhelmingly to authorize their bargaining team to call for a strike if the University of Oregon’s Administration continues not to meet the needs of their graduate employees. Impasse will begin on Monday, starting a 30 day “cooling off” period between both parties.… Continue reading Presidential Strike Letter
GTFF declares impasse, proceeds towards strike
This evening, members of the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF) packed the auditorium of South Eugene High School for an Emergency General Membership Meeting. The meeting was called to allow GTFF members to discuss the final proposal made by the University of Oregon Administration’s bargaining team and to ultimately decide whether to hold a contract… Continue reading GTFF declares impasse, proceeds towards strike