7th & 8th Bargaining Sessions Recap

Letter from the President: We have been busily bargaining in March, with the seventh and eighth bargaining sessions including further counter-proposals from the UO and the GTFF on primarily non-economic items. Things at the table are getting contentious, and may get more so as we get further into economic discussions coming up! The GTFF has continued to reiterate our key priorities for… Continue reading 7th & 8th Bargaining Sessions Recap

GE Stories: Adam M.

Among the economic issues at stake in the lives of graduate students and GEs is the issue of affordable and accessible housing. GEs often are to required to spend a substantial quantity of their entire monthly income on housing. Thus, housing independently is quite arguably the biggest expense graduate students face. While the university manages… Continue reading GE Stories: Adam M.

GE Stories: Dan Shtob

I believe that, for parents, access to childcare in graduate school is not a matter of ease or difficulty, but can determine whether the opportunity to be in graduate school exists at all. To this end, it is a matter of diversity and inclusion not just for parents and non-traditional students. It is a matter… Continue reading GE Stories: Dan Shtob

GE Stories: Jason McLarty

     My name is Jason McLarty and I am a PhD candidate in the Linguistics Department here. While here at the University of Oregon, I have been a dedicated and productive graduate researcher presenting over twenty singly and jointly authored papers and posters at numerous regional, national, and international conferences, as well as several publications… Continue reading GE Stories: Jason McLarty

8th Bargaining Session Counterproposals

See below to learn about the article changes each side will be counterproposing: GTFF Counterproposals Article 3 (GTFF 3.21.19) Article 4 (GTFF 3.21.19) Appendix A (GTFF 3.21.19) Article X1 (GTFF 3.21.2019) GTFF Healthcare Presentation Bargaining Presentation: Healthcare UO Counterproposals Article 8 (UO 3.21.19) Article 9 (UO 3.21.19) Article 14 (UO 3.21.19) Article 16 (UO 3.21.19)… Continue reading 8th Bargaining Session Counterproposals

AFL-CIO: “Fund Our Future By Supporting Public Schools”

Fund Our Future By Supporting Public Schools March 14, 2019 America’s public schools are the center of communities, the propeller of opportunity for our children and the cornerstone of our democracy. But over the past decade, federal, state and local policymakers have waged a full-fledged effort to defund public education. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos… Continue reading AFL-CIO: “Fund Our Future By Supporting Public Schools”

7th Bargaining Session Counterproposals

See below to learn about the article changes each side will be counterproposing: GTFF COUNTERPROPOSALS Article 17 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article 19 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article 22 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article 23 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article 24 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article 25 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article X4 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article X6 (GTFF 3.15.19) Article X7 (GTFF 3.15.19) UO Counterproposals Article 3… Continue reading 7th Bargaining Session Counterproposals