Strike Authorization Vote

At its Emergency General Membership Meeting on Friday, May 17, the gathered membership of the GTFF voted overwhelmingly to proceed with a Strike Authorization Vote the following week. This vote will take place by ballot box from Monday, May 19 through Thursday, May 22 leading up to a Work-in and Rally on Friday, May 23… Continue reading Strike Authorization Vote

Emergency GMM!

The GTFF is holding an Emergency General Membership meeting to discuss the University’s final bargaining proposals, if they are meet the needs of Graduate Students or if the GTFF needs to do some further action, including potentially a strike, to get a fair contract for its members. This meeting will be held at the Northwest… Continue reading Emergency GMM!

Bargaining Update – April 25, 2014

Before returning to our own update, the University Administration has been releasing their own bargaining updates. Their update for the most recent session is available here. Unfortunately, the Administration has left out some important details from their update. Here is an annotated version of their update (click to enlarge). An update from a member of… Continue reading Bargaining Update – April 25, 2014

Upcoming Bargaining Sessions—This Friday and Beyond

The first bargaining session of spring quarter—and the first session under an expired Collective Bargaining Agreement—will be held on Friday, April 11 at 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. in Lillis 112. This session will be immediately followed by a GTFF General Membership Meeting at the Campbell Center (155 High St.) from 6 to 8 p.m. The schedule… Continue reading Upcoming Bargaining Sessions—This Friday and Beyond

Bargaining Update – March 19, 2014

The University of Oregon Administration and GTFF had another bargaining session on Friday, March 14th. Following is a description of that session. The next session is Friday, March 21 at 3:30pm in Gerlinger 302.