Operations: Rachel Hampton

Get to know your VP for Operations!

What is your name?

Rachel Hampton

What pronouns do you use?


Where are you from?

I am originally from the small mountain ski town of Telluride, Colorado.

What degree are you working toward?

PhD in Earth Sciences with a focus on Volcanology, Petrology, and Geochemistry

What projects (research, creative) have you worked on? If your degree has a thesis component, what is/will it be about?

I like to think of myself as a New-Age Geochemist, in that I use modern tools such as machine learning, detailed analysis of crystal populations and isotopes, and numerical modeling to understand the chemical evolution of magma chambers. In particular, I have worked on active volcanic systems in Iceland and on one of the largest eruptions in Earth History, which occurred here in Oregon millions of years ago.

What GE positions have you held while at UofO?

I have been a research assistant in both a geochemical isotope lab, and a physics and rheology lab as well as being a teaching assistant for several undergraduate courses including Volcanoes and Earth Quakes and also teaching the undergraduate field camp. The summer field course is my favorite GE positions, as it allows me to spend time with the students in the field and help them develop as people in addition to becoming expert geologists!

What is your educational background (e.g., degree, subject, school)?

Prior to starting my PhD at the University of Oregon, I received my bachelor’s degree in Earth and Planetary Science from Harvard University.

How many years have you been at UofO?

2 (since 2017)

How many years have you been a GE?

2 (since 2017)

How many years have you been a member of GTFF?

2 (since 2017)

What roles have you held within GTFF?

Steward for the Earth Science Department
Disability Access Caucus Member
Full Member

What is your favorite aspect of GTFF?

Working with the GTFF has exposed me to graduate students in every field at the UO. It has been incredible getting to know these other graduate students and have the opportunity to understand their grad school experience. The experience of becoming active in the Union, the moment I set foot on campus has greatly opened my eyes to how amazing every single graduate student at this institution is and how much each and every one of us have to offer to this community.

What are your goals for GTFF for the coming year?

Being a grad student is hard. But in my own experience, the most amazing resource that I have found at this school is my fellow GEs. I have learned and grown so much from every conversation, academic and otherwise, that I have had with other GEs and it has inspired me to work to help maintain and move our community forward. I have worked for the last two years since arriving at the UO to help ensure that GEs who are part of marginalized communities, be it GEs with disabilities or women in STEM, have the support they need to achieve their dreams. In part, my service to these organizations, including the Union, is motivated by my own experience as a GE with a physical spinal cord disability as well as being a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field. I am additionally motivated to serve this Union because of the incredible membership that I have been privileged to meet these last two years. My goal as VP of Operations this year is therefore to help provide a space and community for all GEs on this campus, to create a space where everyone’s voice is heard and where we all work together to improve the experience of all GEs on this campus.

What else do you feel is important for GTFF members to know about you?

I am so excited to be serving the membership this year and look forward to getting to work with many more GEs in the coming year.

Meet Rachel’s award-winning chickens: