Grievances: Alexis Kiessling

Get to know your VP for Grievances!

What is your name?

Alexis Kiessling

What pronouns do you use?


Where are you from?

Mansfield, PA

What degree are you working toward?

PhD in Physical Chemistry

What projects (research, creative) have you worked on? If your degree has a thesis component, what is/will it be about?

My research concerns the theory of ultrafast spectroscopy, specifically two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy experiments. We’re working to understand the basics of how these kinds of experiments can help us understand how energy moves through molecules.

What job(s) do you have now or have had in the past?

I’m a GE now, and have been since I’ve been at UO. When I was in undergrad, I worked in food service. I also spent a couple of summers working for State Farm in their IT department, back when I was primarily a computer science student.

What GE positions have you held while at UofO?

I’ve been a TA for Physical Chemistry Lab, General Chemistry Lab and Advanced General Chemistry. I’ve also held RA GE positions.

What is your educational background (e.g., degree, subject, school)?

I studied at Mansfield University in PA, where I got my Bachelor’s. I was a double major, studying both Chemistry and Computer Science, and got a minor in Philosophy and a minor in Math.

How many years have you been at UofO?

4 (since 2015)

How many years have you been a GE?

4 (since 2015)

How many years have you been a member of GTFF?

3 (since 2016)

What roles have you held within GTFF?

Caucus Member
Committee Chair
Bargaining Committee Member
Fair-Share Member
Full Member

What is your favorite aspect of GTFF?

My favorite aspect, and the part that has benefited me the most, is the aspect of community that I’ve gained from participating in the GTFF. I also am grateful for the opportunity to gain skills that I wouldn’t have gotten strictly from my GE work.