[iframe http://vote.heliosvoting.org/helios/elections/137b242a-e138-11df-a2f1-12313f025959/badge?show_title=0&show_vote_link=0 150 70] Electronic ballots (from system@heliosvoting.org) were emailed to your uoregon.edu address. If you did not get this email you will have to stop by the office and fill out an old fashioned paper secret ballot.
The election closes November 9, at noon.
On Saturday, August 14, the GTFF bargaining team concluded a mediation session with the university that resulted in a tentative agreement over GTF’s wages, benefits, and working conditions for the next two years. It is now up to the General Membership to vote on these articles and decide if the GTFF should ratify them into the 2010-2012 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
For a step-by-step tutorial on how to vote using the electronic system, click this link: how_to_vote
To find out what you are voting on, you can check out the articles of tentative agreement: 2010_2012_CBA_tentative_agreement_GTFF
(Strike through means deletion. Colored text is new language.)
To read the summation of what we gained, and what we had to compromise on, provided by our lead negotiator, Dave Cecil, click here: bargaining_summation_2010