Your Legal Rights: GTFF Guide to Supporting SEIU local 503’s UO campus workers

URGENT TO ALL GTFs: Our fellow campus workers, represented by SEIU local 503, are scheduled to go out on strike the first day of classes, this Monday, September 30th. Please click on the following link and read the:

GTFF Guide to Supporting SEIU local 503 to know what the following pieces of information will mean for you:

The Administration cannot force us to do the work of striking workers

The Administration could force us to cross picket lines to do our GTF work or else lose our jobs

Some ways to not cross picket lines

The Administration cannot stop us from being on picket lines during our non-GTF time

And lastly, we provide the GTFF’s recommendations on how best to support SEIU 503 during the strike.

10/2/13 UPDATE: The Oregon University System heard SEIU, GTFF, UA, and other community members and tentatively agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement. The strike was cancelled, pending a ratification vote of the SEIU members. All GTFs who made preparations for this strike should be proud that your support helped your fellow campus workers win a fair contract! More details in our upcoming GTFF newsletter.