President: Judith Lechner
Treasurer: Steve McAllister
VP-Organizing: David Craig
VP-Grievances: Mara Williams
VP-Operations: Jacob Barto
VP-External Relations: Sarah Prazkievicz
VP-Communications: Dana Rognlie
Bylaws Amendment: PASSED
(Write in candidates will be notified separately and given a chance to decline the position)
Romance Languages: Anna Giannetti
Geology: Joseph Byrnes, Scott Maguffin, Kristen Sweeney
Biology: Ashley Bateman
Political Science: J. Stienmetz, Kyle Stevenson, John Valdez
Geography: Emily Slager, Alanna Young
Anthropology: Joseph Henry, Jonathan Tubin
Philosophy: Phil Mayo, Alan Reynolds
English: Anna Carroll, Matt Hannah, Parker Krieg
Physics: Eryn Cook, Tyler Harvey, Kyle Lynch-Klarup, Wes Miller, Ian Pilgrim
Journalism: Ben Birkinbine, Lauren Bratslavsky, Jenny Dean, Jacob Dittmer, Staci Tucker
Sociology: Brian Ott, Jeff Ewing, Cassie Comley, Ryan Wishart