Undergraduate Sit In

The GTFF has heard that many of our supporters in SLAP and the broader campus community are moving themselves into Johnson Hall for a study in. We are proud to have the support of our students as we fight for a fair contract. We’re going to move some of our picket lines to outside Johnson Hall… Continue reading Undergraduate Sit In

The GTFF Goes on Strike Dec. 2

The GTFF will proceed with a strike on Tuesday, December 2nd. We are disappointed that stalled bargaining has forced us to strike, but it is now our only recourse as the Administration continues to refuse paid leave for graduate employees. After a year of negotiations, we cannot continue to wait for policies that ensure healthy… Continue reading The GTFF Goes on Strike Dec. 2

GTFF Support Keeps Coming In

The GTFF continues to see support from the community and beyond.   Lane County Commissioner, Pete Sorenson, a UO alumnus and strong advocate for teachers has sent us a letter of support. Dear GTFF, I know that you want to publicize who is supporting your efforts to support the Graduate Teaching Fellows at the University… Continue reading GTFF Support Keeps Coming In

GTFs Speak Out for Paid Leave

A strike approaches, GTFs are speaking out on why they are ready to strike to achieve paid parental and medical hardship leave for themselves, their colleagues, and their families.  

Coverage of GTFF Strike

As the GTFF continues to move towards a strike, news of the situation is spreading quickly around the internet. Numerous blog posts have been written about our situation. A number of them are linked below. “Wealth of [a Certain] Civilization” uoracematters. Posted Nov. 23, 2014. “How to Embarrass Yourself as a University Administration” Lawyers, Gun &… Continue reading Coverage of GTFF Strike

Regional, National and International support for the GTFF

The Oregon Education Association and the Oregon Education Association Community College Council reiterated their support (original statement of support here) this week and encourage its member organizations to stand in solidarity with the GTFF. Their most recent letter is here.   The President of American Association of University Professors released a public letter this week commending… Continue reading Regional, National and International support for the GTFF

Protections for International Grad Students

The University of Oregon Administration recently posted a note on the rights of international students to participate in a possible strike. Many international students voiced their concern over this post and were worried about deportation if they were to participate in a strike. After conferring with our lawyers on the matter and being assured that international… Continue reading Protections for International Grad Students