New Contract Available

The new collective bargaining agreement has finally gone through final proofreading and formatting and is ready for you to enjoy. It can be downloaded here, or should be available in hard copy in our office soon.

Contract Ratified and Signed

After more than a year of negotiations calumniating in 8 days of striking, a new collective bargaining agreement between the GTFF and the University of Oregon has been ratified and signed by GTFF President Joe Henry and University of Oregon Interim President Scott Coltrane, as designated by the UO Board of Trustees.  

President’s Statement on Agreement

The GTFF’s bargaining team has spent 22 hours straight in mediation with the Administration’s bargaining team over the past 2 days. Early Wednesday morning the teams tentatively agreed to all language for a new collective bargaining agreement. The agreement will need to be voted on for ratification by the GTFF membership to officially take effect.… Continue reading President’s Statement on Agreement

GTFF Negotiations Come to Close

A Joint Statement from the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and the University of Oregon: In a mediation session that began Tuesday and went through the night, our bargaining teams came to terms on a tentative agreement. The GTFF members will hold a ratification vote to decide on the final agreement. Additionally, the president, on behalf… Continue reading GTFF Negotiations Come to Close

Dear UO Undergraduates: We miss you. We’ll still be here for you.

Dear University of Oregon Undergraduates, As our strike goes into its second week, we want you to know that we are thinking of you and miss you very much.  It pains us to see the Administration refuse a fair contract and keep us from being in the classrooms with all of you. Your GTFs wish… Continue reading Dear UO Undergraduates: We miss you. We’ll still be here for you.

Strike Update – Day 4

Mediation Regardless of what compromises the GTFF made at the bargaining table, the Administration will not agree to any contract language that resembles paid leave. They will not guarantee, in any form, that graduate employees can take time off of work for sick leave or parental leave and not lose wages. We will return to… Continue reading Strike Update – Day 4

Strike Update – Day 3

While GTFs picketed around the University of Oregon campus, the GTFF bargaining team met in mediation with the University of Oregon Administration’s bargaining team. After 8 hours of work, the two teams called it a night, but planned to meet again in the morning. Both parties agreed it’s important for the teams to collaborate in whatever… Continue reading Strike Update – Day 3

Strike Update – Day 2

Our ranks for day 2 of the strike were boosted by community members including construction workers, football players, state Senator Michael Dembrow, and the GTFF Navy. That’s right. We have a navy! GTFs stationed in Coos Bay at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology borrowed a private, local boat and picketed up and down the… Continue reading Strike Update – Day 2

Strike Update – Day One

Despite the cold, GTF spirits remained high and our lines remained strong. Hundreds of GTFs turned out to the picket lines today to demonstrate their frustration with the Administration’s refusal to make movement on a new contract. Join us on the lines to help bring negotiations to a close. The strike will continue until an… Continue reading Strike Update – Day One