UO Campus Unions Stand Against the Repression of Protest

To: University of Oregon President Karl Scholz
From: UO Campus Labor Council

Dear President Scholz,

The UO Campus Labor Council comprises UAUO, SEIU 085, GTFF and UOSW (UAW), the unions that
represent over 8000 University of Oregon employees, including undergraduate student workers,
graduate employees, faculty, and classified staff. We are the workers who make this university run.

The Campus Labor Council proudly stands in solidarity with students and employees at UO exercising
their right to free speech and demanding accountability from their university administration and their

We condemn the silencing of democratic protests and free speech that we have seen on some college
and university campuses across the US just as we condemn unequivocally antisemitism, Islamophobia,
bigotry and hatred in all their forms.

We consider it completely unacceptable for university leaders to use violence or the threat of violence,
arrests or the threat of arrests, academic discipline or the threat of academic discipline against students
and employees engaging in peaceful efforts to demand action and accountability from their
administrations on one of the great moral and political questions of our time.

We commend your administration for not engaging in such tactics to-date, but we write to make our
collective position clear: we will not accept such actions from the UO administration in the future and we
expect the administration to negotiate in good faith with student representatives.

The UO works because we do.

UAUO (AAUP/AFT 3209) Executive Council
SEIU 085 Executive Council
UOSW (UAW) Executive Council
GTFF (AFT 3544) Executive Board