Have you seen these around campus?
GTFF Members are “blacking out” their office doors to show where GE labor would be lost should our new contract not support our ability to live, teach, and learn at UO.
This is part of our bargaining campaign and is meant to catch the attention of our undergrad students, our supervisors, and UO admin.
If your door has already been “blacked out,” post a picture of it on social media with the hashtags #GradsRAISEUO, #GTFF3544, & #UOworksbecausewedo.
If you would like to participate, email Nikki Cox at organizing@gtff.net.
Supervisors may not block your ability to participate in the Blackout Blitz or any other union-sanctioned action. If you have experienced discipline or other difficulty with your supervisor, department head, or administrator because of your participation, please let us know! Contact Ricardo Friaz, VP for Grievances at grievances@gtff.net.