Check it out!! AgitatorFeb13v4
Author: admin
AFT-Oregon Delegate Nomination and Winter GMM
Welcome back to a fresh New Year, GTFs! Please join your union 5:30-8:30p this Friday, January 11th at the Susan Campbell Senior Center (155 High St) for the Winter General Membership Meeting. An important aspect of this meeting will be discussing the AFT-Oregon Convention in Sun River Oregon which will take place April 12-14th. Accommodations… Continue reading AFT-Oregon Delegate Nomination and Winter GMM
The Agitator January 2013 Issue
Check out the most recent issue of The Agitator!
Closed for the holidays, but still available!
The GTFF office will closed for the holiday break beginning Tuesday December 18th. We will re-open January 3rd. If you have urgent insurance issues over the break please email Lisa at If you have urgent contract issues over the break please email Amber at Have a wonderful holiday! Cheers:-)
Come to the GTFFFFF!!!
One of the best ways to unwind after grades are due is to join us for the Graduate Teaching Fellow Federation Fabulous Fall Fiesta!! It will take place Tuesday, December 11 from 5-8p at the Hilyard Community Center (2580 Hilyard St). There will be BURRITOS from Burrito Amigos, BEER, and, best of all, KARAOKE!!! Be… Continue reading Come to the GTFFFFF!!!
November Issue of The Agitator!
Click HERE for the November issue of your union’s newsletter!!
Beer Lovers! The 3rd Annual CGE/GTFF Brew-Off is upon us! Several of our members will be competing against members of the OSU graduate union, the Coalition of Graduate Employees, this Friday! The GTFF will be taking a bus of roughly 50 people up to Corvallis. If you’ve signed up to take the bus, see the… Continue reading Brew-Off!
Contract: RATIFIED
Congratulations, members!! You’ve successfully ratified the 2012-2013 Contract!!
After several months of bargaining, the GTFF and the UO finally reached an agreement on September 6th. Our top three priorities during the 2012 bargaining cycle were: 1. Raise the minimum wage 2. Eliminate fees for GTFs 3. Receipt of paychecks on time While we did not achieve every contract improvement we set out to… Continue reading BARGAINING–RESULTS
LESST’s “Education is NOT a Commodity” Rally
The “Education is NOT a Commodity” Rally was held by the League of Educators and Students Slashing Tuition (LESST) on Wednesday, October 3rd, 11:30a-1:30p at the EMU Amphitheater on the University of Oregon campus. Click HERE and HERE and HERE to see press coverage of the event. LESST is composed of undergraduate and graduate students,… Continue reading LESST’s “Education is NOT a Commodity” Rally
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