All full members of the GTFF are entitled to be nominated as delegates for the 2011 AFT-Oregon convention to be held in Bend on April 15, 16, 17.
To be nominated as a delegate: you will need to attend the General Membership Meeting (GMM) and nominate yourself, *OR* have someone attending the GMM nominate you. The GMM will be held Friday, Jan. 14, 5 PM, at the Campbell Senior Center.
The GTFF Executive-Council (made up of department stewards and union officers) voted to send 12 delegates to convention this year. The Council also voted to pay for all delegates’ registration fees, provide housing (shared hotel room), food, some beverages, and to reimburse carpool drivers $50 in gas money. A delegate will need to purchase his or her own lunch on the travel days (Friday, April 15 and Sunday, April 17).
The convention is where we consider amendments to our state federation’s constitution and bylaws, debate and vote on proposed resolutions, and nominate and elect all AFT-OR officers (e.g., president, executive VP, secretary, treasurer, VP political ed., etc.).
Once nominations are taken, an election will be held via USPS mail. Ballots will be mailed to members’ home addresses sometime after the GMM. The winners of the election will be the top 12 vote getting candidates. Winners will be notified, and if someone declines her or his delegate position, the candidate with the next highest votes will be elected.
Make sure someone nominates you and you nominate other members at the GMM!