Get to know your VP for Organizing!
What is your name?
Trevor Brunnenmeyer
What pronouns do you use?
Where are you from?
Sandy, UT
What degree are you working toward?
PhD in Physics
What projects (research, creative) have you worked on? If your degree has a thesis component, what is/will it be about?
I study the Intergalactic Medium of the Coma Supercluster. It’s the fancy way to say I look at really diffuse clouds of gas that are outside of galaxies.
What would you like your post-graduation career to be?
Teaching physics at a university.
What job(s) do you have now or have had in the past?
I’ve been a teacher of some sort for 7 years, 3 years as an Supplemental Instruction instructor in undergrad and 4 years as a GE. I also spent a couple years as a high school assistant coach for Cross Country, Track, and Wrestling.
What GE positions have you held while at UO?
I’ve been a GE and lead GE for PHYS 20X. I’ve also been a research GE for a couple of summers.
What is your educational background (e.g., degree, subject, school)?
B.S. in Physics and Applied Mathematics from the University of Utah
How many years have you been at UofO?
4 (since 2015)
How many years have you been a GE?
4 (since 2015)
How many years have you been a member of GTFF?
4 (since 2015)
What roles have you held within GTFF?
Bargaining Committee Member
Executive Board Officer (VP of Political Education, 2019)
Full Member
What is your favorite aspect of GTFF?
The diversity of people that I get to meet and talk to on a regular basis. I know when I show up to a GTFF event that I will have interesting conversations, but I have no idea what topics they will be about. I know that I will learn something.
What are your goals for GTFF for the coming year?
The first goal is to do my part to get us the best contract that we can get. After negotiations are over, I want to continue filling in gaps in our steward network and offer trainings so that stewards are able to do their best work.
Meet Trevor’s new kittens, Codex and Penny!
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