What is a caucus?
Caucuses function as spaces where folks with similar interests, concerns, backgrounds, or beliefs can work together on issues that affect them and their community. It’s a space for community building, support and organizing.
Why do we have caucuses?
GTFF Caucuses shall exist to address the issues of traditionally underrepresented and underserved groups in order to provide a space for advocacy, support, inclusion, and full representation of these union members.
How do caucuses fit into GTFF?
Caucuses serve as a voting body on our Executive Council! As members of our ECouncil, caucus chairs vote and represent GEs from their caucuses in the meetings.
What have caucuses done in the past?
Caucuses play an important part during bargaining years. During the last bargaining cycle (2023), caucuses like Queer, International and Parents’ were crucial in some of our bargaining wins, especially on new articles such as Support and Resources for International GEs, Caregiver Support and Non-Discrimination Protections.
A lot of caucuses work is community building and several social events are held throughout the year. Some recent events included Potlucks, Movie Nights, Arts and Crafts hang, Open Mic Nights, Happy Hours and so on!
Which caucuses are currently active?
Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) caucus (contact: apicaucusuo@gmail.com)
Black Caucus (contact: uoblackcaucus@gmail.com)
Disability Access Caucus (contact: disabilityaccessgtff@gmail.com)
Environmental Justice Caucus (contact: environmentaljusticecaucus@gmail.com)
Housing Caucus (contact: housingcaucus@gmail.com)
International GEs Caucus (contact: internationalgecaucus@gmail.com)
Latinx Caucus (contact: latinxcaucusuo@gmail.com)
Queer Caucus (contact: gtffqueercaucus@gmail.com)
Research Assistant GEs (RAGE) Caucus (contact: ragecaucusuo@gmaill.com)
Women Caucus (contact: womencaucusuo@gmail.com)
Which caucuses are currently inactive?
GEs of Minority Religion, Parents’, Survivors and Workers Caucuses are currently inactive. If you are interested in helping them become active again, please reach out to equity@gtff.net!
How can I be involved?
Please fill out this form indicating which caucuses are you interested in joining!