Donations to GTFF Strike Fund rolling in

A very heartfelt donation of $10,000 was just made to the GTFF Strike fund, and they wanted to make this public statement:
I am making a contribution to the GTFF strike fund today to support the efforts of these dedicated working students to achieve their goal. I believe the administration should be ashamed to be willing to spend so generously to fight against these passionate teachers while not being willing to meet the GTFF’s reasonable request for paid sick and family leave. My contribution could have gone to the university or the UO scholarship fund I regularly support, but instead it is going to where I believe it will be most useful right now — the strike fund. Supporting the GTFF is about supporting education, supporting students and their families, supporting the future. I urge students, community members, faculty members, and administrators to take a stand with the GTFF.Steen V. Mitchell
UO Alumni, Theatre Program

We cannot thank Steen enough for supporting us. This donation will go a long way in making sure we win this campaign not just for us, but for our students and the University. Sharing this information around to our lines this afternoon lifted their spirits and reminded them that they are not fighting alone. We hope Steen will return to join us on the lines. Thank you so much.
