Be a DREAMer Ally

How can you help to make UO a DREAMER-friendly campus? GEs have far-reaching influence through their interactions with one another, faculty, staff and undergrads. Here are a few notes from the UO Dreamers Working Group “UNDOCU-ALLY TRAINING” that can help you use that influence to make UO a safer, more welcoming campus for DREAMERS* and for all students.

  1. Check out the UO Dreamers Working Group website.  Here you will find information ranging from definitions and terms regarding DACA to funding opportunities for DACA and undocumented students.
  2. Find support/Be in contact. If you or a fellow Duck has questions or needs support with issues regarding immigration status, please email or contact Justine Carpenter, Director of Multicultural and Identity-Based Support Services.  541-346-1123
  3. Protect students’ status and privacy. When interacting with faculty, staff, and offices around campus, you are never required to reveal your status. You should never require someone else to reveal their status either. Find ways to show your support that do not require students to “out” themselves.
  4. Publicly show support for undocumented students. GEs with teaching duties can start and close the term with an announcement regarding UO (and possibly their particular department) support of Dreamers. See UO President Schill’s statement on DACA and support for students , as well as his op-ed in the Oregonian. You can also include statements of support for Dreamers in syllabus language, email signatures and through an “unafraid educator” profile picture.
  5. Make your classroom/program/department more inclusive. A. When planning field trips and off-campus events, provide transportation or organize carpools to accommodate students who may not be able to drive. B. Review scholarship and study abroad/internship requirements to create more possibilities for all students, including Dreamers. C. Make clear and readily available information explaining which scholarships or study abroad/internships require a social security number, and which do not.
  6. FOR CAS-affiliated GEs, CAS is sponsoring an ally training for CAS faculty and staff on Wednesday, April 18. More information to come on this session. This informative and effective training is highly recommended!

*The UO Dreamers Working Group uses the term “Dreamers” to refer to Undocumented, DACA-mented, Tuition Equity and students of mixed status families.