Bands Needed!

Are you a musician? Want to perform your favorite music outside of the shower? Ready to rock and roll (or bluegrass, or R&B, or techno) in front of 250 screaming fans? It’s time to start planning for the Great Cover-up! Each year, the GTFF hosts a Great Cover-up night to raise money for Food for… Continue reading Bands Needed!

Categorized as Events

Convention Delegate Statements

Time to vote for Delegates to the AFT-Oregon Convention. Ballots went out on Thursday, so you should see one in your home mail box. If you do not, let the office know and we can see what’s what. You can read the candidate statements here.

General Membership Meeting

Friday, January 13 Campbell Senior Center, 155 High St. Kegs tapped at 5, meeting starts at 5:30 The Winter term General Membership Meeting is scheduled for January 13, 2012 at the Campbell Center from 5:30 to 8 pm. At this meeting, we will be taking nominations for the position of Delegate to the AFT-Oregon Convention. … Continue reading General Membership Meeting

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